The Jewish Woman’s Solution: Question and Answer Column

The Jewish Woman’s Solution: Question and Answer Column

Рахель Трилокекар

Лайф-коуч и автор-фрилансер, которая специализируется на том, чтобы помочь женщинам и девочкам жить ясно, страстно и целеустремленно. После окончания учебы в университете Рахель стала дипломированным диетологом. Позже она получила сертификат лайф-коуча от Refuah Institute, а также продвинутый сертификат детского и молодежного тренера. Рахель увлечена тем, чтобы дать еврейским женщинам и девочкам возможность полностью раскрыть свой потенциал.

Personal Question and Answer Column

Disclosing Mental diagnosis When Dating for Marriage

Dear Rachel, I am 23 years old and finally feel ready to get married and become a wonderful wife and mother. It has been a long road. I was diagnosed with ADHD and OCD in my early teens. I also had a bo...

How to Make Weight Loss/Health Goals that Last

Dear Rachel, I have multiple health issues: I am obese, with high cholesterol and high blood pressure. The truth is, I want to change but I have tried many diets over the years and have always gained th...

Being Judged when Parenting Difficult Children

Dear Rachel, I have 4 daughters. Each one of the girls, though they have good traits, have issues that take up all my time. Two of them have learning difficulties, one is considered on the autism spectr...

Keeping Kids Safe from Child Predators

Dear Rachel, I read disturbing headlines of a highly respected child advocate who was found to have molested countless children and young women over many years. I was shocked, angry, and disgusted! Is t...

Childhood Trauma: Why G-d Allows It

Dear Rachel, I wondered whether to write to you. Since it will be anonymous, I decided to open up. I am a 2nd grade teacher and I take my job seriously. I love my students like my own children. I try to...

Reader Response to Previous Issue

Dear Rachel, I read your column last month about the woman whose niece wants to marry a non Jew and wants to know what to do so that her kids don’t end up doing the same. I want to respond that I myself...

How to Help Prevent Intermarriage with Our Children

Dear Rachel, I have a beautiful niece who is much older than my twin girls and she is like a daughter to me. So after my niece graduated from college and got a great job offer out of state, I cried alon...

Giving Attention to More than One Child

Dear Rachel, I am a mother of 6 kids. Just writing this is a shock because I never thought I would have 6 kids! Two of them were not planned. Of course I love each and every one of them and I wouldn’t c...

Dating, the Second Time Around

Dear Rachel, I am a recently divorced mother of 3 children ages 2, 5, and 7. I am trying to figure out my future goals while struggling to get a rhythm to my busy days. I am NOT ready to date just yet. ...

Wanting to Spend More Time with Husband but Husband Won’t Listen

Dear Rachel, I have been married now to my husband, a good man, for 5 years and though we get along, it depresses me that we don’t spend enough time together. We have two kids and he is an involved fath...