The Jewish Woman’s Solution: Question and Answer Column

Giving Attention to More than One Child

Dear Rachel, 

I am a mother of 6 kids. Just writing this is a shock because I never thought I would have 6 kids! Two of them were not planned. Of course I love each and every one of them and I wouldn’t change a thing. But I have such guilt that none of my children will fully get my attention – the attention they need and deserve. It’s not fair to them. How do I ever compensate for this?

Sincerely, Mom with Guilt


Dear Mom with Guilt,

Your question makes me smile. It reminds me of a story I once heard years ago... A rabbi needed to go somewhere and asked for a ride. The driver was happy to take him. As the Rabbi was getting in the car, he saw 2 steering wheels – one on the driver’s side, and one on the passenger’s side. The rabbi was puzzled and asked if the driver was a driver’s ed teacher perhaps? The driver replied no, that this was actually a family car. «So why would you need 2 steering wheels?» asked the rabbi, now even more confused. The driver responded that he has an overactive child who always would jump all over his father trying to grab the wheel. So the driver had a fake wheel installed on the passenger side so that his son could play with the wheel, feel like he’s the one driving and in control, yet in the meanwhile he doesn’t bother his father who is actually the one driving! This made such an impression on the Rabbi that he said, «this for me is an important lesson in emunah (having faith)». We often have ideas of what and how things are supposed to look like, and we think that this is how life should look like and be like. But we forget one primary point – that we are not in the driver’s seat – G-d is. He brings people and circumstances our way for a reason that may not even make sense to us. Sometimes, it may even seem like the most unideal situation! But when we realize it comes from G-d Himself, then we can cultivate the correct attitude needed to bring out the best in the situation. Take for example in Torah when Joseph at the tender age of 17 was sold as a slave to the Egyptians by his very own brothers! Any rational, moral person would agree what a horrible situation it must have been to be torn from your parent’s warm and loving home, only to be sold as a slave – by your very own siblings! And yet, because Joseph never lost sight of G-d’s presence in his life, he had the correct attitude. He knew that everything happened for a reason, so instead of being depressed and resentful, he challenged himself (even as he was a slave!) to become greater, to never lose hope and to trust in G-d completely. The result was that Joseph grew to eventually rise up as a slave and became second in command to Pharoh while never wavering from the integrity and faith that he had been lovingly raised with. Because of this, Joseph is known in Jewish history as «Joseph the Tzadik (righteous one)». Life does not seem ideal sometimes. In your case, you did not plan on having 6 children – but G-d planned this for you even when you (like the overactive child in the story) thought you were in control! So if G-d entrusted you with these precious souls, then it must be that the situation – exactly as it is – was meant to be. So now that you know G-d wanted this to happen, change your mental outlook. Remember that your 6 kids may not have your undivided attention whenever they may need you, but they will have 5 other siblings which they will have the opportunity to grow a close relationship with, that otherwise they would not have had. And when they grow up they will have children who will have many cousins to play and grow with. These are all blessings! This doesn’t mean you should stop making your children feel individually special. Even though it can be challenging, you must continue to try to do so. But, remember they were meant to be in this world. And you were given more than you intended to have because G-d believed in you. And since He believes in you, you must believe in yourself! B’hatzlacha!

All the very best, Rachel Trilokekar

Thank you to those who have e-mailed me with their questions. If you would like your question to be featured in the next issue of Ladies’ World, please e-mail:

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