The Jewish Woman’s Solution: Question and Answer Column

The Jewish Woman’s Solution: Question and Answer Column

Рахель Трилокекар

Лайф-коуч и автор-фрилансер, которая специализируется на том, чтобы помочь женщинам и девочкам жить ясно, страстно и целеустремленно. После окончания учебы в университете Рахель стала дипломированным диетологом. Позже она получила сертификат лайф-коуча от Refuah Institute, а также продвинутый сертификат детского и молодежного тренера. Рахель увлечена тем, чтобы дать еврейским женщинам и девочкам возможность полностью раскрыть свой потенциал.

Personal Question and Answer Column

Wanting to Reunite with a Sibling After 5 Years of No Communication

Dear Rachel, I have an older sister and we are not on speaking terms. Even though I don’t think she was right in the way she had always treated me in the past as inferior because I’m the younger sister,...

Critical, Difficult Extended Family and How to Cope

Dear Rachel, I am married with children and struggle with my extended family (parents, aunts and older siblings). They repeatedly remind me of mistakes I have made in the past and treat me like a child ...

Making Sense of Suffering

Dear Rachel, I look around and it seems to me that every friend and family member is struggling with some kind of suffering in their life. One has a terminal illness, another has a child with demanding ...

Screen Time and Addicted Kids

Dear Rachel,  My kids are addicted to screen time. They either watch shows or play games and my older kids don’t even want to meet with friends! Also, their school requires that students have their ...

Dealing with Becoming An Empty Nester

Dear Rachel, My son is going to be moving away to university over the summer. On the one hand, I am happy for him, but on the other hand I am dreading the day that he has to leave. I gave a lot to my so...

Growing Apart in Marriage; How to Regain Connection

Dear Rachel, My husband and I have grown apart over the years. We don’t really fight, we just don’t have any affection for each other or connection. He works all day and when we have dinner together wit...

How to Get out of Low Self Worth

Dear Rachel, Growing up, I had a hard time focusing in school and my teachers often made me feel dumb, embarassing me in class so that I always felt pathetic. My parents called me names that hurt, sayin...

Fear of COVID Horror Stories: Discovering the Jewish Perspective

Dear Rachel, I am hearing horrible news all around the world about what is happening during this pandemic – horror stories and theories revolving around how COVID actually happened and how everything is...

Bad Feeling About A Business Partner

Dear Rachel, I have a private business that has been doing well for years. However, just recently my business partner announced to me that she wants to follow through with a client who wants us to do so...

My Husband Drives Me Crazy

Dear Rachel, There are things about my husband that drive me crazy. I have realized after many years that he is not going to change!! How do I live with this reality and still create peace in the home a...