Editor's column

Waiting for the Hanukkah Miracle

Dear friends, do you believe in the miracle of Hanukkah? Not just because in those early days a tiny portion of oil burned for eight days, but in a broader sense of what might be a miracle? After all, each of us has their own history of wonderful events and manifestations in life - relatives and friends.

I have a special association with the miracle of Hanukkah. This holiday proved to me long ago, 29 years ago, that miracles really come true, especially when you believe in it very much and the performance of which you are looking forward to. Then, a year after my family immigrated to America, on the first day of Hanukkah, my husband, Jacob bin Mamon of Israel, passed away. I was left with two teenage children, no family, no job and no confidence in the future. I was not sure that I would go to the residency in therapy (although I had already passed all the necessary exams to confirm my doctor’s diploma), and I did not dream at all that I could become a radiologist (radiologist, as in my former homeland). At that time, foreigners were not accepted into radiology programs, and my age was also a serious obstacle to the desired goal. But God sent me a good man – a professor, now deceased Mier Benjaminov, who spent seven Hanukkah memorial evenings at my home and each time made me pray to survive, to live and to achieve my goal. I can honestly say I didn’t know how to pray then, but respect for this person and the fear of the unknown quickly taught me what and how to ask from the Supreme and, of course, from the spirit of the departed husband, who (I deeply believe) became the guardian angel of our whole family. And I asked. I asked daily! Especially when I lit the candles. Asked persistently and quite purposefully. To my amazement and joy my wishes began to come true!

May Hanukkah bring another Miracle and fulfill one of my cherished desires: for the coming year to be peaceful, may Good triumph. As Shota Rustaveli remarked, «only good is immortal, evil does not live long!».

On the eve of the light of Hanukkah and the coming year 2021 I want to say a heartfelt thanks to all advertisers for the support of our magazine. Thanks to my dear associates for the sleepless nights, creative arguments and all the hard work to make the magazine a reality.

Editor-in-chief Dr Zoya Maksumova

(December 2022, "Ladies’ World" №234)

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