The Jewish Woman’s Solution: Question and Answer Column

When the Passionate Nature Attracts You: How to Identify the Right Kind of Passion in a Man


Dear Rachel,  

I'm a person focused on growth and self-development, I truly care about people. But, I've encountered a recurring issue in my romantic life. I've been divorced for six years, and my past relationship experiences have been challenging. When I initially met my ex-husband, I was attracted to his passionate nature. He was confident and assertive, qualities I admired. However, after marriage, his domineering, controlling and insensitive nature became apparent. Since my divorce, I've dated men with a passionate nature but then discovered that they were self-centered and aggressive. I truly want someone with good character. A matchmaker advised me that I had it all wrong and should try dating men whose nature is more soft and relaxed. I did this and though they were polite and nice, I felt no attraction to them. I feel terrible. Am I forever destined to be attracted to passionate men who later reveal aggressive or self-centered traits? I would greatly appreciate your advice.

 Sincerely, Tanya



Dear Tanya, 

I've encountered situations like yours many times: well-intentioned women attracted to men with passionate personalities, only to end up deeply disappointed. You seem to have a solid value system and understand the kind of man you don't want – someone self-absorbed, domineering, and aggressive. Yet, you find yourself initially attracted to these types. Conversely, men with softer, more relaxed natures don't seem to resonate with you.

Without delving more into your past and getting to know you more deeply, my advice is based on what I sense might be a good fit for you. Consider dating a different type of man – one you haven't mentioned before: a strong, principled man with a soft heart.

In the Torah, we see contrasting personalities in the twins that our matriarch, Rivkah, bore. First, there was Esav – the domineering, impatient and ambitious type driven solely by his immediate desires. Then, you have Yaakov, a man passionate in his ideals, who is principle-centered and driven by his God-given mission. He represents a perfect balance of self-discipline and kindness. Yaakov's strength lay in his commitment to a virtuous life, with his passion directed toward actualizing his role as a forefather of the Jewish nation.

Your soul is drawn to men with passionate energy, but that passion must align with the values you hold dear. This likely explains why you haven't found satisfaction with relaxed, softer-natured men; their essence doesn't resonate with your soul. So, look for someone whose character you admire, someone whose passion is channeled through values you respect and believe in. His essence should move your soul, rather than merely stimulate your senses. For example: perhaps he runs a successful non-profit that assists children with special needs, or he's known and well-respected for his integrity and reliability. Your final quest is to discover a man whose character is driven by kindness, truth, integrity, and a strong sense of purpose this is the ultimate expression of true passion.

Once you find this man – and I am confident you will – first and foremost, thank God for the blessing of your union. Then, nurture the marriage by supporting his life mission and appreciating the good he brings both into your life and the world at large. After all, a husband with the right passionate ideals needs a wife who wholeheartedly believes in him and what he has to offer.  B'hatzlacha!

All the very bestRachel Trilokekar

Thank you to those who have e-mailed me with their questions. If you would like your question to be featured in the next issue of Ladies’ World, please e-mail:

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