Women's health

Urinary Health


Today we will discuss urinary health and the most common questions that I am asked during regular GYN check-ups.

Risk factors or urine infections vary with age. Before menopause, the most common risk factors are sexual intercourse and use of spermicides, tampons. After menopause, certain physical changes help set the stage for infections. The numbers of healthy bacteria in the vagina naturally decline. The bladder also contracts less strongly than it once did, making it more difficult to empty it completely. Besides infections in the bladder, loss of urine is another main concern that brings woman to the office.


Urinary incontinence and kegel’s exercise

Occasional involuntary loss of urine is the most common complaint in women over age 40. Pregnancies, difficult labor, surgeries, history of constipation, overweight, chronic cough and age-related changes - all are causes of the involuntary urine loss. There are many types of urinary incontinence. Stress incontinence – leaking under the pressure during coughing or laughing. This type of incontinence is related to weak pelvic muscles. Urge incontinence – is rapid urge to urinate without control. This type is the best treated with medication to help relieve urinary sphincter spasm. Losing urine during walking, coughing or laughing is NEVER normal. Woman should never walk around with wet underwear. The most common response that I hear: «Well its OK, my mom also had it and I guess I am the same way». NO, loss of urine should be always addressed early in order to prevent surgical interventions later on.

During early stages of urine incontinence (when surgery is not indicated), the best approach is to eliminate lifting heavy weights, control your body weight and start doing Kegel’s exercise.

Kegel’s is the most important pelvic tightening exercise. It is free and very effective.

How to perform Kegel’s exercise:

1) Empty your bladder completely.

2) Find the «correct» muscles to train. The best way to find the correct muscles is to place 2 fingers into the vagina and flex your muscles around them. Bingo! You found the correct muscles! Count to 3, and then relax the muscles. Try to flex these muscles again about 10-15 times. Repeat every day. By the end of the first week try to contract the muscles and hold longer - for 10-15 seconds. For Kegel’s to work, women should perform these training sessions 2-3 times a day for 1-2 minutes. It’s very effective - simple, free and can be perform anywhere.

Kegel’s exercises work very well in the early stages of urine loss, for example right after childbirth or during early stages of uterine prolapse (weakening of vaginal walls). During more complex reasons for urine loss (stress incontinence) or deeper muscle/ligament trauma – I can recommend surgery, use of medication or vaginal pessary. Remember, urine loss is a serious symptom and can indicate different health problems. Keeping this problem to herself makes woman’s life miserable at any age. Please address this issue with your gynecologist or urologist.


Night trips to the bathroom

Did you know that people who get up at nigh 3 times or more have a death rate almost twice more than those who don’t? According to the recent statistics, more than 90% of men and over 75% of women over the age of 70 get up at night at least once. There are many reasons for night trips to the bathroom: diabetes, medications and almost 90% of men with prostate problem. There are many dangerous conditions associated with the night trips: sleep disruption, risk of falling and hip fractures, mood changes due to lack of adequate sleep, higher rate of overweight and depression. If you fall asleep during the day, frequently walk to the bathroom during the night, snore and look tired after the night – the problem should be addressed with your doctor.


Urine therapy

Yes, it is still a Thing. I remember – my neighbor in Kiev was drinking her urine to «cleanse» the body from toxins. But I was surprised to hear that some of my patients still follow the same

trend. So, lets talk about urine-therapy – consuming your own urine. Treatments with usage of urine came from ancient India and China. In India, urine is considered as a “holy liquid”. Also, Indians used urine as an anti-septic and against burns. Also, in ancient times urine was used for the dental cleaning as well as for washing clothing. The logic behind is – Ammonia (end-product of urine). However, today we have absolutely no evidence of effectiveness of such a therapy. On the contrary, research suggests that drinking urine can introduce bacteria, toxins, and other harmful substances into your bloodstream. It can even place undue stress on your kidneys.


Diet during cystitis

Cystitis, also known as a painful bladder. Symptoms of cystitis include pain during urination, pelvic pressure and frequent urination. The therapy for cystitis should be individualized for each patient. Not every cystitis is caused by bacteria and automatically requires antibiotics! The most common trigger of chronic cystitis in women is sexual intimacy. So the most important treatment of chronic cystitis is prevention. Certain changes in lifestyle and diet can help women to keep cystitis away.

- Avoid «sour» products such as citrus (lemons, oranges and grapefruits).

- Avoid products rich in potassium such as bananas and potatoes.

- Avoid caffeinated products such as coffee, tea and chocolate.

- Avoid strong alcohol such as vodka, tequila and brandy. Some researches also suggest limiting spicy food, use of vinegar and tomatoes.


Tips for healthy bladder, especially for women after age 50:

- Never hold urine.

- Address urine loss problem with your doctor.

- Treat vaginal atrophy in menopause age.

- Drink more water and urinate often.

- Urinate after sexual activity.

- Wipe front to back.

- Use unscented personal hygienic products: toilet paper, pads.

- Avoid vaginal douching.

- Take shower and avoid hot baths especially with use of aroma oils and soaps.

Dear women – drink water and stay healthy!

Gynecologist with 25 years of experience

Dr.Yulia Borukh, DNP, CNM.

Sign up for a consultation:

124 East 40th Street, suite 203

New York, NY 10016



Instagram @AskDrYuliya

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