Община бухарских евреев

What gives you confidence?


There is something very important and special about the Jewish people. Not only that they merely survived tragedies such as destruction of temples, conquests, expulsions, persecutions, pogroms and the Holocaust; but what’s remarkable is that after each tragedy, Judaism renewed itself scaling new heights of achievement, notes Rabbi Jonathan Sacks in his book, Lessons in Leadership. Similarly, we as women have our stories where we also survived and continue to survive our difficulties and thrive through them, demonstrating resilience and unwavering devotion to living. «I noted how much Bukharian women do and how invested they are in family life while also building careers or engaging in the professional world», explains Leya Yusupov, who spearheaded a project of recognizing the inspiring women within our community through photography. «So many of us are faced with so many hurdles that can bring us down», she continues, «we need to help each other feel strong and get stronger». Then she put her thoughts and observations into action by asking something interesting on Facebook. «Nominate Bukharian women who inspire you», she posted. The response was enormous which showed that there are so many inspirational women in our Bukharian community. Leya then took further action and photographed these women professionally, presenting them in bright light and glamour, along with their stories of triumph and tribulation. This then birthed an event on December 12, 2021 that celebrated a group of women and guests, who came to dance, eat and hear words of inspiration. Yelena Kalendareva was the MC of the night where her uplifting laughter and voice along with her bright deep blue dress thrilled the room. Elana Yuabov whose intelligence, articulation and giving personality developed the words needed to bring this event to life. Tzivia Kay and Miriam Ilyayev, both motivational singers, along with their glamour and positivity elevated the spirits of the attendees. Esther Azarya’s warm eyes and smile of love and validation strengthened each woman present. Victoria Khanimov’s artistic mind showed how she orchestrates the meaningful and uplifting images of life onto a canvas. Diana Rachnaev, with her strong presence spread hope and love toward all. She is also the founder of Yesodot, a non-for-profit organization, devoted to helping families through troubling times. Jen Hafitz’s fit physique and strong posture inspired physical strength and health. Lilianna Ahuva Yelizarov, nominated as the resilient soul, brought compassion and connection through her story. Yocheved Dekhkanov’s speech electrified the event and revived hope on how to keep thriving through our greatest wounds. It is not uncommon in our Bukharian culture where women struggle with confidence or don’t really know how to recognize the good within and give themselves ample strength and credit for their inner greatness. Hearing the stories of these ladies, listening to the wisdom and dancing alongside served as a much needed recharge. It also did two very important things. One, it gave strength and confidence on how to recognize the good within ourselves and grow stronger for tomorrow. And second, it taught us that our greatest wound can become our greatest gift with which we can serve the world.


Vera Borukhov

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