Cover portrait

Vladimir Katanov: «By improving life of at least one person, you have already lived your life not in vain!»


When we think of rich and wealthy people, we imagine them in brand name clothes, living in luxury mansions, flying their own planes, and vacationing in incredibly expensive resorts. However, as life itself shows, really successful people are completely different, they know the price of money, try not to expose their wealth and, most importantly, they are interested in obtaining funds not only for a comfortable life but also to help people in need. Such is the hero of our essay Vladimir Katanov, president of the foundation «Margilan», businessman, philanthropist, and public figure noted for his services to the community high title «Man of the Year 2020-2021».


– Dear Vladimir, I was a little familiar with your story, as you have already been briefly published in our magazine on the occasion of awarding you with the high title of «Man of the Year 2020-2021». Honestly, I pictured you as a completely different person. And today, during our meeting, you were so humble, kind, open, and welcoming that I felt during this conversation that we have known each other for many years. Please tell our readers briefly about yourself and your family.

– I come from the city of Margilan. This is the pearl of the Fergana valley of Uzbekistan, a city where ancient traditions are carefully preserved. I was born in the family of Katanov Rahmin and Raisa (my mother died in 2017, z.l.). I’m one of three sons. After successfully graduating from high school, I started my career to support my family. I always wanted to achieve a lot, and for this, I worked a lot on myself and tried to improve myself. I have been tempered with serious labor since childhood, I have never been a «greenhouse boy». Together with my wife Natalia we have given birth, and raised three children - two sons and a daughter. My sons help me in business, and my daughter is graduating from college. We have a wonderful and friendly family.


– You are the president of the «Margilan» Foundation. Please tell us about your activities.

– 11 years ago, at the request of the President of the Congress of Bukharian Jews Boris Kandov, and our fellow citizens of the city of Margilan, the fund «Margilan» was organized where I was elected president.  A few years ago, when the Jewish cemetery of Margilan caught fire, I had to fly to the scene of the tragedy. After talking to Margilan’s local leadership, I realized we needed to help the city preserve and improve the graves of our ancestors. We have done a great deal of work to restore many old monuments, and we still have a long way to go. Our New York-based Margilan countrymen are actively involved with me in the development and implementation of annual plans for the development of the Jewish cemetery.


– You are very often in Uzbekistan and communicate with the leadership of the city and the country. How do you feel about the policy of popular diplomacy led by the Congress of Bukhara Jews of the USA and Canada?

– This is correct and very necessary in modern conditions. I value the friendship between the Uzbek and Jewish peoples, we must strengthen our good relations with all. Only the good that man does remains forever, and life is worth something. The Ambassador of Uzbekistan addressed us, the Americans, to help the society of the deaf and blind of Uzbekistan. It turns out there are 3,115 people in different cities in this country. And I immediately agreed, and when I arrived in New York, within two weeks, we bought special computers for the blind, hearing aids, sound ball’s for the visually inpainted  and other necessary goods and sent them to Uzbekistan. I have many acquaintances and friends among leaders in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, and we all help each other in solving some social problems. Here in New York, I and Arkady Aronov (the president of the club «Spartak») are among the first during the pandemic COVID-19 organized delivery and distribution of masks to our community (1400 people received them) and together with our volunteers began to distribute prepared fresh kosher food for the sick, prepared by «Orzu» restaurant, which became a sponsor. With pleasure, I help the yeshiva and those who cannot pay for the education of their children in these schools. Many other things I do for the benefit of people, and I like it.


Vladimir's kindness is often expressed in his caring attitude toward people, sympathy, and constant aspiration to come to help them,  and not to pursue to his own advantage. In addition, Vladimir is very friendly, pleasant in communication, and sympathetic if necessary. Due to his high and noble qualities, he has many friends among Uzbeks, Tajiks, and other people. He is a true patriot of his beloved ethnos. He has his own explanation for all this: «Having changed the life of one person for the better, you have already lived your life for good».


– Tell me, please, you have a wide range of acquaintances, friends and in our large community, and among other members of society. What do you value most about people? And what worries you about people?

– I appreciate honesty and decency. People’s actions and words should be in harmony with each other, not contradictory. I appreciate people who respect others. I appreciate open people; I do not tolerate the withdrawn. I do not like competitions (who has better and more) caused by envy. I appreciate another quality of successful people - looking at life positively. This is what I do! My glass is always half full, my positive attitude is contagious. Nothing diminishes my enthusiasm or makes me doubt myself or my ability to succeed. Even when I am told «This will not work», I still take the job and it works. I always find good in everyone and in any situation. 


– Each of us has his dream. Share it with us.

– I have many desires: firstly, I would like our elderly to be able to provide themselves with cheap kosher meat; to build a small restaurant for them with a capacity of 30-35 people, so that they can hold a wake and discuss community issues here; There is a need for a Youth Center so that they can spend their leisure time and meet each other. I think it is very important for our community to have a room for washing the dead, as in "Schwarz Brothers" such a service is very expensive for some families ($2000). Everything is very expensive now, but funerals cost a family $15,000-$20,000, and attending a wedding for two people is $500-$600. It is possible to do everything thoughtfully so that the low-income class of the population can have more access. I have many ideas, but I alone cannot change everything. It is necessary to resolve all issues with our Congress of Bukharian Jews in an amicable and coordinated manner, which should pay more attention to the needs of the people.


– Vladimir, what would you like to wish for in our magazine «Ladies’ World»?

– First, I want to wish health to our women, without whom we men will not be who we are. As for the «Ladies' World», my wife Natalia and I sometimes read this wonderful magazine and we like it very much. We wish «Ladies' World» further prosperity, and that the circle of readers expands more and more every year. And thanks to the creators of this monthly beautiful and intelligent edition.


– Thank you for taking the time to talk to me. On behalf of the editorial staff of the magazine, I wish your life to pass with a big charge of positivity, with good people next to you, and with incredible success!

– And thank you very much!

Read the entire magazine №257


The conversation was led by Raya Davydova-Kandhorova

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