Editor's column

On the eve of Women's Day

Dear readers and admirers, I am very glad (and I am not tired of saying it!) that our magazine, despite its name, is not only all female. There are many men among the readership, and, in fact, they not only talk to me about it but also write to our editorial office themselves. We are pleased to publish some of their letters on p. 19.

In this March issue, the month of our favorite Women's Day, March 8, we appropriately put the emphasis on women.

And who better to grace the cover of this issue than a woman – beautiful, gorgeous, and born in March? We congratulate Tatiana Aksakalova, a wonderful wife, a caring mother, a great daughter, a high-class specialist, and just a good person! We are glad to publish numerous congratulations from relatives, friends, and colleagues on pages 12–14. I have no doubt that this issue will be a great and pleasant surprise for her, as it was planned by her family and friends. By the way, Tatiana was a doctor in Tashkent, and here she became a specialist in ultrasound diagnostics. So I boldly call her an ultrasound doctor, as it is still customary in her former homeland.

It is with great pleasure that I would like to draw your attention to pages 16–17, dedicated to one of the wonderful women of our community, Raya Abayeva, who celebrated her 90th birthday this spring! When I write or speak about this woman, I am overwhelmed with very fond memories of meeting her in Dushanbe and New York. I hope very much to visit her soon, to congratulate her in person and recall our past memories.

Rafael Bangiev, a member of the Israel Writers' Union, reflects on the great destiny of women, for the sake of which they are not obligated to study the Torah and the commandments (page 19). And all this because a woman has a great responsibility to create and support a family, the very foundation on which the future of an entire nation depends!

In our regular section, «Creativity of Our Readers», we have also not ignored our female readers: our holiday issue contains the best poems about women and for women (p. 38).

Living in paradise, San Diego, I tirelessly invite friends to visit our wonderful city and, if they like it, to stay here to live. My charming friend, real estate agent Olga Solovieva (pp. 24-25), will help you with this.

Many people know the name of Edward Gavrielov; 10 years ago, he introduced to the world the information portal of Bukharian Jews, «Asia-Israel» (www.asia-israel.org), which became a historical birth date for Bukharian Jews on the Internet. Now Eduard presents his new project – an international on-line program «From Five Continents» on the platform of the TV channel Asia Israel (page 18). The main objective of the TV project is the unity of Jewish communities all over the world and the virtual communication of all regions, regardless of geography. As you know, every noble undertaking needs sponsorship. Let us do our best to make this project of unity a true result of our joint efforts.

Transitioning from spiritual to vital food, I would like to note that at any age, women must take care not only of their beauty but also of their health. And in order to take care of themselves and their families, it was not only the most useful but also delicious. On pages 21–22, we have prepared for you information about the benefits of avocado and collected the best recipes for simple, tasty, and extremely useful breakfasts with it.

But even if you take good care of yourself and eat right, taking care of your health involves preventive care and expert advice. Starting from this issue, the gynecologist Julia Boruch, with whom you have already met in the previous issue, will be answering your questions. On page 20, she exposes common myths among the unfamiliar population about the health of women's breasts. I highly recommend that you read it!

Traditionally, we continue to talk about parenting. Sooner or later, children are introduced to money, and parents have a lot of questions to answer. So on page 29, we'll talk about how to instill proper financial habits in your child. And I also draw your attention to p. 35, where the founder and head of the International Academy of Kabbalah, Dr. M. Lightman, comments on the advice of the famous psychologist M. Labkovsky on how to raise a confident child.

This issue also contains many other interesting articles, among which the story about the trip to sunny Egypt (p. 30-31) by R. Elizarova is especially interesting for the travelers, and on page 26 for those fans who enjoy true stories about the mysterious spy who prevented a nuclear war.

Read our magazine and enjoy it, especially during your free time over the Passover holiday, which, I think, can now take place in a larger circle of family and friends.

Editor-in-chief Doctor Zoya Maksumova

(March 2021, "Ladies’ World" №237)

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