Editor's column

The Power of Kin


Dear readers, one of the priorities of our women's organization and magazine is peace at home and the role of women (and men) in creating that peace. Your feedback is the source that reveals to us what we don't see or don't notice, and it gives us food for thought. Recently we have been receiving a number of unusual letters to our editorial office about family troubles in the community, emphasizing the problems that the authors believe were caused by the remnants of the past. One such letter, "Remnants of the Past," was published on page 19 of our last issue. 19. In this issue we were reproached (p. 31) for idealizing our women and not seeing how they are still raising children in the old believers' way, which leads to family tragedies. I must admit that I was surprised by this at first, but then in conversations with my friends, girlfriends, and buddies from various families I became convinced: oddly enough, such phenomena still have a place in our lives. We remembered how, in our distant time, mothers really taught girls to tolerate a bad husband and mother-in-law (note that father in-laws were not usually mentioned!), and sons to be strict with their wives, not to pity, pamper, and not to praise, especially in public. I thought: why they were taught to be patient with their husband and not taught how to love him, so that life would be a pleasure for both of them? And why a man was immediately prepared to treat badly someone who gives him her soul and body and who usually responds to kindness and affection with even more kindness and love? After all, this is how a woman is made: how the children will be raised and what they will be taught mainly depends on her. Naturally, without belittling the role of the father.

But that's not what I would like to discuss at the moment, especially since we have mentioned the subject of the family more than once in the pages of our magazine. I just want to share some of my considerations in the light of new scientific knowledge and try to explain why for so long the vestiges of the past have been wandering from generation to generation and why some modern mothers in-law behave "wrong" and often even somewhere against their will.

Everyone knows that the transmission of physical data to children from parents and ancestors occurs through DNA. Recently, hereditary scientists have discovered that the chromosomal DNA responsible for the transmission of physical traits (facial features, hair, eye and skin color, etc.) is unexpectedly only 2% of the DNA as a whole. The remaining 98% is represented by so-called non-coding DNA (ncDNA), which is responsible for the many emotional, behavioral and personality traits we inherit. This is the basis of a new branch of science, epigenetics, according to which the story a person shares with his family begins before conception and is explained by the fact that every girl is born with a ready set of eggs for her entire life. And so, for example, when your grandmother was five months pregnant with your mother, the precursor cell of the egg that you will then be born from 20 or more years later was already present in your mother's ovaries (in the intrauterine fetus). This means that even before your mother was born, she, your grandmother, and the earliest beginnings of you were in the same body-that is, three generations existed in the same biological environment. Knowing that negative (as applied to this article) character traits can be passed on biologically, and that three generations shared the same biological and energetic environment in your maternal grandmother's womb, we can understand why some remnants of the past that we don't like persist for so long. It is also clear that this is why children are more energetically connected to their mother, and therefore the degree of her influence on them is great. I think, knowledge of such a scientific concept will help all us, mothers, to understand that peace and joy in the families of our daughters and sons depends on us.

I hope that at the Rosh Hashanah holiday table the older generation, armed with this knowledge, will bring more positivity and wisdom to the home of their children. When they are happy and satisfied with their lives, we are even happier and more satisfied with them. Have a good and happy New Jewish Year 5782!


Editor-in-Chief  Doctor Zoya Maksumova

(August 2021, «Ladies’ World»№242)

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