Editor's column

I love strong women

On the eve of the main spring women's holiday, we tried to highlight the theme of strong and successful women in this issue. Though, strong women are not born. Each of them once started small, and it is within the power of any of us. And if you are working on yourself, but sometimes you lack motivation, we have some great examples for you. 
I would like to start by introducing you to my colleague, a wonderful gynecologist, Yulia Boruch. I must admit that I have never met her, have never seen her, but after talking to her on the phone a few times during an interview, I deeply felt for this absolutely extraordinary person: smart, charismatic, businesslike, strong, very positive, and fun. Truly, sociologists are right to believe that it is enough to hear a few words to know what your interlocutor is. Dr. Boruch shares how to not only fulfill yourself in your profession and family life but also reach certain heights in these spheres in an exclusive interview on pages 12–14. 
I think you will also be interested in an interview with another bright, strong, and extraordinary woman, Eleonora Baraeva from the Viennese community. Eleonora is a sought-after tour guide in Austria and talks about her interesting and not easy path to personal achievements and victories in a conversation with Shlomo Ustoniazov (pp. 24–25). 
We found another article by Shlomo Ustoniyazov to be important in this issue about envy, its origins, and ways of overcoming it in yourself. In my opinion, there are two main factors in the development of this negative feeling: when from childhood parents indulge their children's endless desires to buy them what their peers have, and a lack of self-respect and love for oneself at any age. I would like you to share your opinion after reading the article about envy on page 23. 
The difficult times we are going through now has proved to be a test of sorts, vividly demonstrating who is who. The coronavirus has unmasked and exposed the true nature of some people who, despite now being successful and not at all poor, refused to help their community in these difficult times. Fortunately, not everyone is like that. Leonid Yelizarov on page 22 shared an update on the life and work of the World Congress of Bukharian Jews amid the endless restrictions of the pandemic. The Congress continues to serve the community, and fortunately, no pandemic has been able to change anything in this matter. 
There are many interesting and entertaining articles in this issue, and on page 26 a particular interest to lovers of travel and adventure is Rena Elizarova's story about her wonderful trip to India.

As in our tradition, we have prepared a number of articles on the topics of family and parenting. And since right in the middle of this gloomy winter month there is a bright, chocolate- and flower-scented Valentine's Day, we couldn't help but include the conversation about love. We invite you to join the conversation or even the controversy on p. 32 Can a spontaneous feeling turn into real, mature love, and what it really means to love? 
Strong men and strong women are the topic of our regular column, «Family Matters». What kind of woman do you consider yourself to be – strong or weak? If you still want to hide behind a man like a stone wall, dispel this myth for yourself on Page 30. 
Traditionally, let's also talk about parenting. How do you monitor whether they are skipping class? Is your child addicted to anything harmful? Has your child been hanging out with the wrong crowd? Do you read their phone conversations? Worrying about your kids, is human nature. But what can happen if total parental control takes over a child's life, will be useful to learn on page 33. 
There's another local holiday in February - Bagel Day on the 9th. Did you know that the gastronomic symbol of New York City was invented by Jews. We will give you not only interesting details, but also offer an original American-style bagel recipe on pages 28–29. And it's not the only one healthy recipe in this issue. Treat yourself and your family to an incredibly healthy flourless pizza (yes, there is such a thing!), a recipe of which is as simple as genius. And don't forget to surprise your friends and family with your new intricate, yet extremely easy-to-make «fluffy» coffee, which has literally become a hit on the Internet, producing a WOW-effect in taste and appearance, and has already won the hearts of millions of coffee drinkers (page 37). 
Continuing the topic of healthy nutrition and lifestyle, we would like to draw your attention to the recommendations of the famous cardiac surgeon Michael Debakey and his lifestyle (p. 38). And Debakey knew what he was talking about! He was the oldest practicing heart surgeon in the world,  his medical experience was 75 years (!) and he lived till 100, being a very active person till his old age. I wish the same for all of you, my dear readers!

Editor-in-chief Doctor Zoya Maksumova

(February 2021, «Ladies’ World» №236)

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