Cover portrait

Life in a century, filled with mercy and love


Dear readers, we are very pleased to talk about the wonderful people of our ethnic group, about those who can serve as an object of pride and an example to follow. Today we will talk about a unique woman, pediatric dentist, Dr. Elizaveta Emanuilovna Katanova (Balkhiev). She is the eldest of her big family, one of a kind, who is adored and warmly remembered by those whom she helped through out her professional life and in general. Highly educated, modest, laconic, wise, she rightfully belongs to the category of extraordinary Bukharian women of the early 20th century, which harmoniously combined the features of a modern intelligent woman.

Originally Elizaveta Emanuilovna from the noble and respected Balkhiev family, who was known in the city of Tashkent and far beyond its borders. She was born in 1930 in the city of Osh, Kyrgyz region, in the religious family of Emanuel Balkhiev and Hana and was the third child. Her parents had an unusual life story. For 10 years they had no children, and everyone around persuaded Emanuel to marry another. But he categorically refused, referring to the "Will of God." However, at the advice of the Rabbi, Hana’s name was changed to Freho, hoping for a change of fate. And it worked! A Miracle happened: first Tamara was born, then Maria, and later, 13 years later, Liza came into their life. All three daughters were beautiful, smart, educated, and have become the pride of the entire family. Later, the whole family moved to the city of Tashkent. Here Liza, having graduated from the Tashkent Dental College, meets a smart, erudite and handsome young man Boris Katanov, it was love at first sight and he became her beloved husband. He has just graduated from the law institute, where at that time it was not so easy for representatives of our nationality to get accepted. After the wedding, in 1949, the young family moved to the city of Leninabad, where Boris Katanov was sent to work. There Liza enters a graduate dental school and becomes a certified and licensed doctor, pediatric dentist Elizaveta Emanuilovna!

For almost 12 years they lived in Leninabad, until the annexation of this region to the Tajik Republic. During this time, they had children: the eldest Ella (early deceased), Frida, David, and after moving to Tashkent their third daughter Svetlana was born. 

Elizaveta Emanuilovna, despite her status as a doctor and her demand at work and patients, always remained in the shadow of her husband. He idolized and adored her and his whole family, and at the same time he was very strict and demanding in the family, the same as in in his service. As a prosecutor, he held the position of chief of the department for consideration of criminal cases in the courts in the Tashkent Regional Prosecutor's Office. Often, risking his position, he helped his compatriots avoid prison and searches. He was a member of the Communist Party, a principled and very honest person, avoided bribes and did not allow his wife, Dr. Elizaveta Emanuelovna, to take fees/gifts from her patients. In that Soviet era, he lost the right to be a colonel for " daring" to secretly circumcise his own son, and for his small anniversary in a restaurant he had to explain for a long time to his superiors, by what means did he spend his celebration? And there were a lot of such stressful situations in his life! Elizaveta, knowing what a difficult job he had, took care of his health, strictly fulfilled all his requests, understood him from a half-word and created a favorable climate in the family. Maybe that's why everyone was happy - it was mother Liza who was a reliable and nurturing woman who knew how to sympathize and understand, demand nothing, always respect her husband and reckon with his opinion. In the evenings, a lot of different people came to her husband for help and advice, and every time Elizaveta showed her hospitality, knowing that they came straight from work. They also came directly to her - everyone knew that a wonderful doctor Elizaveta lives here, who has a kind heart and who is ready to help at any time.

As a pediatric dentist, she devoted a lot of time to her work. And it wasn't just work from "call to call." Very often she had to provide various general medical care at home to neighbors, friends and acquaintances until late in the evening (to her husband's displeasure). And it was unselfish, especially since there was a rule in the house to make a mitzvah. Dr. Elizaveta Emanuelovna had a reputation as a merciful, incredibly compassionate and caring doctor. Today, as adults, her former young patients remember how boldly they went to her for repeated appointments, were not afraid, because at the very first meeting with her, she patiently and without sparing her time could convince the child that it did not hurt to treat their teeth.

Dr. Elizaveta was the only daughter-in-law and lived all her life in the same house with her mother-in-law and her family. It was a surprisingly peaceful union filled with mutual respect and care for each other. The same story repeated itself when her only son David brought his young, 17-year-old wife Dinochka into the family, who became "another beloved daughter" of Elizaveta and Boris Katanov and lived in the same house with them for the rest of their lives. Dina recalls that when she gave birth to her second child, her first baby fell ill with an infectious disease. Without hesitation, mother Liza took leave without pay and spent almost a whole month with her grandson in the hospital. And to my question, how she, such a young one, was accepted in a new family, Dina just answered: "I came as if I hadn't left my mother. Everything was very natural and everyone was friendly. There was a good friendly atmosphere in the house, and my mother Lisa was always my great friend. Thanks to her, I received first secondary special education, and then higher education. My children, home, household were under the tireless care of mama Liza who also worked as a doctor at the time/ Together we lived for 10 years in Tashkent, and here in America almost 30 years. She taught me to live and be a worthy wife, mother, and then grandmother. And there has never been any friction between us. She was extremely kind and had an amazing gift to teach nobility, respect and friendship with all her family and friends. All grandchildren also adored their grandmother Liza. I'm lucky enough to have acquired such a wonderful second family!"

Now Dina Katanova is not only the director of the "Center for Longevity", but also "with the light hand" of her mother-in-law (and husband) is engaged in public work in the women's organization "Ester a-malka" and the magazine "Women's World".

The same truly maternal love was felt by both sons-in-law of Dr. Elizaveta - Alik Munarov and Alik Kaziev. She considered them her sons, and instructed her daughters to love and respect their husband's relatives as guarantees of a peaceful and friendly family life.

Like their parents, wonderful, highly educated and well-mannered children - Frida, David and Sveta - grew up in this family. Father demanded discipline, punctuality, responsibility from them, and mother Liza taught every one of them to be kind and hardworking. And of course, everyone was aimed to be well educated. Frida became an engineer-economist, David became a Doctor of agricultural sciences, Sveta became surgical nurse. And each of them created and raised families like the one in which they grew up themselves. They gifted their parents 8 grandchildren and 22 great-grandchildren.

14 years ago, at the age of 80, Boris Katanov, passed away. Dr. Elizaveta was widowed, but the love of children and grandchildren brightened up her loneliness, and tireless care, especially her daughters who worked in hospitals, helped to prolong her life. In the midst of the pandemic, the family solemnly celebrated her 90th anniversary.

Recently, on the eve of the bright holiday of Hanukkah, she left this world at the age of 92. She left, having fulfilled her mission on this earth, and leaving the memory of herself as a beautiful, intelligent, modest, highly educated woman, whose whole life was built on mercy and love.

 Read  the entire magazine №259

Eleonora Nektalova

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