Editor's column

Farewell to the year 2020, an eye-opener

The year 2020 has come to an end, a year that has had an extremely great number of bad and even horrible names attached to it, a year that many curse (and rightfully so), and the end of which the entire world (not just us here in America) has been looking forward to and hoping for a brighter future next year. Of course, all of this applies to the adverse effects of the pandemic, and there is not enough space in this short column to enumerate them, and there is no need to repeat it now when everyone already knows everything.

But I, like many people, will remember the year 2020 in a different way. I associate it with 20/20 vision (which is the value for normal visual acuity). In a way, it opened the eyes of millions to the world we live in and in which we believe all the time that Good wins out against Evil. This year, there was a tremendous amount of political activity and interest in events at «the top», specifically a lot of concern about our leader! People were «glued» to their televisions, not so much to watch interesting programs but for a portion of political news, strikingly different from one channel to another. At every meal, even at a very festive one, there was bound to be a conversation about the political situation in our country. No one rested from this "painful" topic, neither on weekdays nor on holidays. I know a huge number of my relatives, friends, acquaintances, and colleagues who have changed their party affiliation and had their eyes "opened" and "improved vision" to the normal parameters of 20/20. And there are about 100 million of them in the country now! All of them and even many of those who foresaw the future prayed tirelessly and lived in hope of a good outcome until January 6! In fact, I was already preparing to write about our «Victory Feast» in order to continue to reinforce my readers with optimism in the new year. But... Alas! Goodness has failed! It could not foresee the multiple facets of evil. Now, instead of the beloved slogan «Make America Great Again», we will quietly pray «I hope it doesn't get worse».

But, as trivial as it sounds, life goes on. We still hold out hope for a free America that is prosperous and happy. Since everyone has been referred to as «little people» and nothing, as it turns out, depends on us (because they blatantly lie to us and ignore the Constitution, the Laws, and the Voice of the People), I decided for myself not to waste time on political news and let my brain «cool down». And to fully devote myself to my favorite things, which, among others, include our «Ladies' World», which I love very much, and in which, along with our entire team, I put a lot of strength, soul, and energy.

First of all, I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year in 2021! Naturally, I wish it to be better than the previous years! And I sincerely hope that «Ladies' World» will be able to continue to delight its readers and admirers, as we have been doing for the past 21 years, with new issues in which we meet wonderful people from our community, discuss relevant and hot topics in our community's life, and not only talk about health, family, and parenting, but also about other urgent and interesting topics not only for women but also for men. I thank all of our friendly and very smart team for their love of working on the magazine and their mutual help and support. I am grateful to the readers for their warm feedback. And my special thanks to the advertisers, especially the long-time advertisers who actually sponsor our nonprofit magazine and, in addition to their business interest, understand that the magazine's release is about the image and reputation of the community. Thank you so much!

In this issue, I welcome new sponsors and a great friend of the congregation, the renowned Dr. Kim, who not only supports our magazine monthly but has been addressing us in the January issues for several years now. Thank you to Dr. Irina Kimyagarova, who, having mastered the most innovative methods of rejuvenation and beauty, is always open to helping our women and men. And finally, thank you for the return of our long-time sponsor, Yakov Natanov, who supplies you with honey from the organic plantations of the American Amish. Many of you have been to Pennsylvania with Women's World on Wheels (in our good old days, to which we will soon return) and have had the pleasure of getting to know the lives of these extraordinary people. I think this honey will not only help your health, but it will also help sweeten the bitter taste of what has happened in our country. As a matter of fact, we have been using this honey for years, and I strongly recommend it to all of you.

Be healthy and happy in the year 2021!

Editor-in-chief Doctor Zoya Maksumova

(January 2021, "Ladies’ World" №235)

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