Book club BJW

BJW Book Club


Recently, the Bukharian Jewish Women (BJW) Book Club celebrated its first anniversary, and 20 women gathered in person for our April 2023 Book Club get-together at the beautiful Bukharian Jewish Community Center (special thanks to Iosif Khaimov for the hospitality).

Irina Aronov and I have the privilege of co-leading this wonderful community activity.

Our latest book was «Lioness Golda Meir and the Nation of Israel» by Francine Klagsbrun, which provided a fertile ground for a thought-provoking discussion. We aimed to understand Golda as a politician, mother, and wife.

Svetlana Levitina shared her experience of working with Golda and described her as a good listener, wise advisor, and a very warm person. My mother, Larisa Alishayeva, shared how in 1947, her aunt's husband, Michael Leviev, met Golda Meir in Moscow while she was an ambassador and said to her the famous Pesach Haggadah phrase «Next year in Jerusalem». Unfortunately, his contact with Golda resulted in his imprisonment.

We are blessed that we can visit Israel whenever we want. I was fortunate to go to Israel with #ProjectInspire in March 2023. This spiritual, fun, and learning-filled trip made me love our land and people even more.

Idealists such as Golda Meir, Ben Gurion, Chaim Weitzman, and many others made it possible for us to have the country of Israel, which recently celebrated its 75th birthday. As the saying goes, our country is 3000 years old and 75 years young! Through our monthly meetups and discussions, we are discovering that we have many accomplished, curious, smart women in the Bukharian Jewish community who want to grow, learn, and have fun together. It's amazing to see how each woman wants to do something for others. I am thankful to all of our participants but would like to hi-light contributions of some people a bit more:

Leya Yusupov, the visionary and a photographer, she created a movement of Bukharian Jewish women that inspired many young women, leading to the creation of the BJW Facebook group and the book club. She also took amazing shots of many women in our book club and we now have priceless memories.

Nelly Abayev, an artist (, gifted our book club participants custom-created bookmarks, each done with love and amazing creativity and embroidered with the BJW logo.

Marina Abayeva came to our book club and taught us meditation and stretching techniques.

Viktoriya Khanimov created a sip and paint event where we painted our canvases with books! Next event is being planned for June – stay tuned.

Vera Borukhov organized dance activity for book club members, she is also a very active participant and a leader of our club. 

Diana Sionov, organized trip to a theater performance about Yemenite Jews, and also a trip to a Jewish Museum. Diana reads books with the most attention to detail (I think she hasn’t skipped a page and we read more than 10,000 pages by now!).

I am amazed by the diverse talents and skills of the women in our community and the ways we are coming together to support each other and give back. I am grateful to the participants of our club as without them there would be no such club!
I’d like to conclude this saga with a Golda Meir quote – «To say whether women are better than men I cannot say – but I can say they are certainly no worse».

Elana Yuabov, CPA, PMP & a poet

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