Editor's column



I think it's not by chance, but by the law of universal energy, that all countries celebrate international family holidays two months in a row: Mother's Day in early May, Father's Day in mid-June and, very symbolically, Children's Day (June 1) between these two dates.  Thinking about this, I recently noticed the acrostic FAMILY: Father And Mother I Love You (an acrostic is a poem in which the initial letters of the lines form a new word or phrase). And I thought that there was a reason why this word had been invented. According to my observations over the years, children love both their parents equally, mostly in emotionally and morally (rather than financially) well-to-do families - where there is a happy atmosphere and real unity of all family members, especially between the parents . In families where the two main conditions of happiness are absent - love and mutual support, where parents argue in front of their children, children often, consciously or unconsciously, give preference to one of them.  Recently  there are more and more young families where fathers take more responsibility of the home and raising the children than in our distant past. It is so pleasant for me to currently see more fathers than mothers or grandmothers playing with kids on the playground. Not to mention the feelings I have for the wonderful dads who are successfully raising and teaching their children at home.   Psychologists are correct when saying that the best thing a father can give his children is to sincerely love and protect their mother from all adversity. I would like to share with you the poem that perfectly describes these truths.


 "What would happen if suddenly  women disappear?

Asked the little boy to his father before bed

-"There will be cracks in the soul and in the heart.

My son, the house will be empty and cold.

All of mother's orchids will wither.

All flowers in the world will wither.

All deeds will be forgotten,

All women's caprices and dreams.

Life will lose its colors in an instant

And every day will just be gray.

There will be no mother's gentle caress

 And no sister's ponytail.

And the delicious smell of granny pancakes

 Won't be waiting for us at the gate.

They worry if we are healthy?

 And if we went to sleep full?

All grandmothers are like that, what can we do?

And they'll kiss us three times at the door

 And pray for their children All their lives...

Only women have that strength...

They can love us more than life itself!

 Stand by their men all their life’s

To be a faithful friend, a right hand.

 Yet, all they need so little:

 Love, family, wealth and peace.

It's as if someone is ripping out your heart, you know?

And the pain will come pouring out of wounds and cracks!

It's so scary, you can't imagine!

Life will stop being life without women!"

My son couldn't sleep, he pondered.

He remembered his sister's ponytail

And the warmth of granny's praise.

And his mother's kisses every day.

And how she lets the sun in the window: "Hey, sleepyhead, good morning!" –

And even if she punishes me a little sometimes

Together we are a happy family anyway

He sneaked up on my sleeping mother,

"Thank you for breathing in this world!

 You love us, darling, and you care about us!

 Mom, don't you ever disappear, you hear me?!

 Dad and I don't need any cracks or wounds,

and who'll take us to the doctor?"

What if women suddenly disappear? –

I don't even want to think about it!


Editor-in-chief Doctor Zoya Maksumova

(June 2021, "Ladies’ World №240)

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