Editor's column

Healthy Longevity


Dear friends, we have entered the 5783th year since the Creation of the World. I hope that all of us are inscribed in the Book of Life. The life, where the goal is not simply longevity, but healthy longevity. Maintaining health into old age is no easy task. It consists, first of all, of thoughtful habits and balanced lifestyle, which influence how we look and feel. For the past few years, for my health and for the health of my family, I have been actively using the products of the world-famous company DoTerra and I often invite others to follow my example. Today, in anticipation of the coming cold and the danger of new infections, I would like to draw your attention to this complementary natural therapy. Recently I returned from Salt Lake City in Utah, where for 4 days I had the tremendous pleasure to once again plunge into the world of healthy lifestyle and ways to preserve it. This city is the home of the world-famous scientific and medical center of development and of introduction into everyday life of millions of people around the world, the widely known natural medicine-DoTerra essential oils. And, of course, with pleasure, as always, I share with you all that I have seen, heard, felt, learned as a doctor, and to which I invite all those who wish to be healthy.

Salt Lake City hosted the 14th annual DoTerra Convention and this time under the very impressive and deep-meaning name HEAL. The name says a lot. The fact that more than 13 thousand (!) users of this product, its fans, mentors and medical professionals from all over the world (about 40 countries) and several thousand more who participated online says a lot. This is a young company! When I was at its third convention 11 years ago, there were only about 500 of us, and we all fit in one big conference room. Now, the convention took place in a huge sports arena. I was amazed by everything: the enthusiasm of people who have been successfully using this product for many years for prevention and treatment, their love and the ability to share their experiences with others, and the pleasantly surprising fact that many of the participants came with children, even infants. I was enchanted by how many teenagers also successfully use aromatic oils on themselves and to help others. It was rewarding to see how many more doctors, scientists, chemists, biologists and other specialists have become involved in the constantly developing and growing company, and how much this industry has grown. 

We toured the DoTerra headquarters and the factory facilities. We saw how new recipes are developed and clinically tested. Among which, is a truly revolutionary MetaPWR (metabolism powered) - a system for strengthening and improving metabolism as a major health factor. MetaPWR was the main focus of the convention.

We have often written about the amazing properties of these wonderful natural oils. I am aware that there are many DoTerra active users and mentors in our community, and especially among the medical profession. I would like to draw the attention of those who are interested in learning where the aromatic oils come from, why the whole world is so interested in them and why the products of this company are so popular. The oils are extracted from plants. Like humans, plants communicate with their neighbors-other plants. They also get sick from that which reduces their immunity (phytoimmunitis), and they, in the fight against pests, develop chemical elements that we call essential oils - their immune system. These oils are the natural aromatic compounds of seeds, flowers, leaves, plant roots, tree bark, and are extracted by special distillation for use in natural medicine. The oils are very concentrated and are therefore 50-70 times more effective than the plants themselves. They help in the prevention and treatment of most diseases.

Why should you choose the DoTerra essential oils? Because they are absolutely clean, without impurities, and in contrast to similar products of other companies, these oils can be used internally. And also because they are under the close observation of the FDA. I urge you to pay attention to them, talk to those who use them, read and educate yourself. Explore new things that prolong life and enrich it. Go to our website, and read my column, Health Without Drugs With Doctor Zoe, and enjoy a healthy long life.


Editor-in-chief Doctor Zoya Maksumova

(October 2022, "Ladies’ World" №256)

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