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Outstanding Mother of the Year – 2023


Women who successfully balancing a large Jewish family, career, and Community activity

Hanna Aminov-Nektalov

Hanna's family emigrated to the United States from Kyzyl-Orda in 1996 when she was 12 years old. She is the eldest daughter in the family. Her parents – Yura and Mayya Aminovs – did everything so that all 3 daughters received a good American education and become successful in their careers.  Hanna graduated from St. Johns University and Touro College with honors and successful Doctor of Physical Therapy, her sister Lily became a lawyer, and Roxanna became a pharmacist. Each of them enjoy work of their field and established families with multiple kids.

Fate happily connected Hanna with Binyamin Nektalov (son of Iosef and Tamara Nektalov) businessman/entrepreneur from a very noble and intelligent Samarkand family, both families are very supportive and helpful in helping raising children with focus on Bukharian/Jewish traditions/culture and instilling many positive qualities of having big families. 

The dream of going into medicine appeared when her grandfather fell seriously/had stroke. Hanna now helps hundreds of patients recover and gets satisfaction from her work, seeing the happy faces of her patients and their results.

But, of course, Hanna sees the greatest happiness in her own family, where 4 children grow up: Yosef, Yehoshua, Yaakov and Odeliah. All children study in Yeshivas, and each of them receives not only a serious Jewish education, but also sports and music, realizing that right now the foundation of their consciousness and thinking is being laid.

The family often gathers at the table, especially on Shabbat, where everyone sings not only in Hebrew, but also in Bukharian, discussing not only important points in religion, but also everyday life. The family is dominated by respect, love and trust. Husband Binyamin Nektalov is one of the leaders of the Shaar Haemet synagogue under the leadership of Rabbi Daniel Cohen, and Hanna is the organizer of lectures for women on family purity and proper family relations, organizes the Challah Party and holidays in the synagogue. Love and friendship in marriage is also very important, you need to love and also be the best friend of your soul mate. Where you can also share your secrets, thoughts, or just have a companion nearby who will understand you, support you, or just be there to listen.

Hanna's motto: "The main thing in life is the proper upbringing of children, instilling in children Jewish traditions and love for each other!"

Vera Borukhov

Young mother, blessed with four children: Joshua is 19, Alexandra is 15, Solomon is 9 and Ariel is almost 4. She is married to Igor; he works as a pharmacist.

Vera is a licensed high school English teacher; since 2022 she has been teaching First Year Writing at Lehman College, CUNY and St. John’s University.

She helps the community by providing information, motivation and inspiration on personal growth and development as well as emotional intelligence. She writes weekly articles, posts content on Instagram and TikTok; she is also a founder and manager of a Facebook Group of 1500 members where they have discussions on relevant topics and share food. You can find her @cookingtheconfidence. Or, Facebook Group is

Vera believes that the secret to good relationships is commitment to personal growth and emotional well-being. «We aren’t born perfect; we make many mistakes and do wrong things. However, if we are able to recognize our shortcomings and work on ourselves for self-improvement, we can create healthy and thriving relationships in our lives with the people most important to us».

Vera and Igor practice this commitment in their family. They always encourage conversations and value discussions on any given topic. We play family question games and talk about the things that are difficult and easy. We talk about our feelings and memories. We clear the air. We challenge each other. We express our wants and needs. We educate each other on our values and what is important to each member. We value connection and community to be close and helpful to each other and we also value individuality and unique interests.

Vera’s motto is: "Life is better when we are growing as people and implementing solutions to our problems. We don't have to live with our problems for years. There are solutions. It is up to us to take on the growth and the challenge to strive for daily improvement".

Victoriya Khanimov- Gavrielov

Financial & Data Analyst

Artist / Art Teacher / Art Entertainer

A proud mother of 5 children - 4 girls and 1 boy, of ages 21, 18, 15, 8 and 4.

Victoriya was born in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. She is one of 3 children of Rafael and Osnat Khanimov. At the age of 10, she immigrated to NYC. She attended Hunter College and graduated with a double major in Psychology & Computer Science. As soon as she graduated, she got married to a wonderful man Samuel Gavrielov. Now married for 23 years, together with Samuel they have raised 5 wonderful children and gave them all a Yeshiva Education, instilled great ethics and values.

Victoriya believes it is absolutely crucial to have a healthy marriage in order to bring healthy children into this world. Distributing responsibilities, having trust, mutual respect, investing in all possible extracurricular activities, spending quality time together are all important aspects of raising healthy kids.

She feels that EVERY single child is a true blessing from GD, although it’s more difficult to give each one everything, G-d makes it so that they still receive everything but now not only from parents but also from their elder siblings and grandparents, and that is OK too. In larger families, there is less sense of entitlement and a great sense of responsibility in each child. That is great preparation for them for real life.

Victoriya has been actively using her artistic talents to serve the community in various ways. (Gives art classes to all ages, done more than hundreds of events including Schools, Shuls, Major Universities, and Corporate Events; assisted on the Israeli Day Parade Banner). She is part of ABCN group helping with Cemetery issues; Parent Body for the YHT & Central Yeshivas; was part of Yuhans Way 1st fundraiser dinner.

Victoriya is truly grateful for this nomination.

Victoriya’s Motto: «While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about».

Rachel Michaelov

Rachel Michaelov, is a proud mother of 4 boys ages 17,16, 8, and 5. 

Rachel Michaelov is the CEO of Empire Tax Professionals, Licensed by the IRS, Licensed in 50 states, a tax accountant, and a small business tax specialist. She has more than 15 years of experience helping small business owners nationwide reduce their taxes legally and helping business owners with bookkeeping, payroll, sales tax, and everything that a small business owner needs in their business to pay the least amount of taxes and be compliant.

Having always worked in the Penn Station area of New York City, she found herself working long hours during tax season while raising small children. Frustrated and longing for a change, she made the decision to close her NYC office, which had over 15 employees, and transitioned to working remotely nationwide. This change allowed her to achieve a better work-life balance, which was important to her as a wife and mother.

Rachel has helped the community with preparing their tax returns, helping them with financial knowledge, and motivating them to make more money and do more with their business. There was a time she had a friend who never thought she could buy a house in Jamaica estates for over 1M dollars. Rachel was able to help her believe in herself and she was able to get what she wanted. Rachels father did that for the community and she always wanted to continue that. She loves helping the community by utilizing her financial knowledge and education. It’s her passion and gives her life. 

Rachel believes the secret to success in a good relationship between parents and children is always over-communication and understanding what the child needs. Sometimes kids don't know what they need and parents can tell based on how they act and speak to know what is best.

Rachel’s Motto: “Do good for others. It will come back to you in unexpected ways.”

Liliya Musheyev-Aminov

Liliya was born in Tashkent, Uzbekistan to loving parents of Zakhar and Zoya Musheyev. In 1994 the Musheyev family immigrated to USA.  In high school Liliya developed a strong passion for learning and teaching. With a Masters degree in Linguistics and Рsychology, Liliya pursued to shape young minds and inspire change within the disabled population.  Dually certified as a speech-language/feeding therapist and special education teacher, Liliya currently works with the 0-3 year old babies delivering highest level of therapy. Supporting children’s cognitive growth and development as well as educating parents on most effective ways to facilitate language, feeding skills and overall social-emotional development.

In addition to fulfilling her aspiration professionally, Liliya is also an amazing mom to her beautiful five children that she affectively raises with an equally amazing partner and husband Mark Aminov. The young couple met and married while still obtaining their degrees. Later, as young parents they learned the fine skill of parenting while balancing career goals. Liliya and Mark practice gentle parenting with firm boundaries. Emotional regulation, kindness and way of Torah are the blueprint of their parenting. 

Liliya constantly strives to promote herself academically to ensure that she delivers the highest level of support to those in need without impacting her attention to her family. Liliya’s greatest supporter, her husband Mark Aminov, is a well known and respected engineer/architect within our community. While running a successful business, he has assisted many families design and build their dream homes.

Liliya’s Motto: "Our children are our greatest teachers! They test our patience and our ability to both survive and thrive under most difficult circumstances; and because of them we must be in constant state of learning and growth!"

Bella Sadykova

Everyone knows Bella Sadykova: cheerful, sociable, helping everyone, economic, caring, with a good and kind disposition.

Bella was born in Bukhara in a large family with 10 children. In 1982, she joins her fate with Roman Sadykov, with whom she is happy and brings up not only her children, but also her grandchildren, who were left without a father early.

Emigration in 1993 to New York City was not easy, doing business with her husband in Manhattan, passing exams and working in prestigious airlines such as El ALL, Aeroflot, Kuwait, etc. During 10 years at JFK Airport, Bella received many diplomas for excellent work, but she was forced to leave it due to the fact that it was nece ssary to help her daughter with the upbringing of grandchildren who were left without a father.

Later, Bella got a job at Chase Bank in the Customer Service Department and gained respect among the bank’s employees for her good and dedicated work. Due to the closure of the bank due to the pandemic, Bella works in a medical office as a physician assistant. She likes to help the ill patients and grandchildren, in whom she has invested all her love and patience. Her daughter Zhanna has been working in radiology at NYU for over 20 years, she has 4 boys; second daughter Julia lives with her family in Florida, she is a designer and has 2 boys; son Emmanuel works in a law office.

Bella is very active at the Beth Gabriel synagogue, where she is one of the leaders along with Rebbetzin Esther. In the preparation of religious holidays, the Tehillim and Challah party is an active sponsor in fundraising, important events of the synagogue, so her contribution to the construction of the Mikvah, to help the poor and needy is a common thing in her life. Love and friendship for everyone she knows is the main postulate of Bella’s life.

Bella’s Motto: "Family is the most important! Never fold your hands and rush to help anyone who needs it!"

Lilianna Ahuva Yelizarov

Lilianna Ahuva Yelizarov, proud mother of 4 children: two girls and two boys ages 12, 11, 8, and 6.

Lilianna currently works as a Director of Career Services with St. Paul’s School of Nursing in Rego Park, NY where she passionately helps graduates transition into the Healthcare field. As a mother of young children, she has always tried to find employment close to her home, that way she can be available in case there is an emergency.

Lilianna thinks that it is very good to have many children. There is always excitement and liveliness in the home. Having many children is like gifting your children permanent friends.   Lilianna also believes it's important not to allow children’s discomfort to affect the relationship between the spouses. Children will always complain, cry, fight, and show some type of discomfort. This is how they communicate and grow. As long as the spouses are on the same page pertaining to discipline and lifestyle, they can overcome anything.

Lilianna thinks that both - love and friendship - are equally necessary in a family. When children feel loved by their parents, they are more willing to share their personal issues and follow their advice. She has a wonderful relationship with her children. Every single one of them feels comfortable sharing personal things with her and her husband, Rabbi Emanuel Yelizarov.

Bringing children into the world in an unhealthy environment between a husband and a wife will only make things worse. It is important to first strengthen the relationship between the spouses before having children.

Lilianna enjoys being involved in community causes. Even after having children, she made sure that she has an active presence in the community. She enjoys hosting bi-weekly lectures for a group of ladies focusing on strengthening Emunah in Hashem and discovering the beauty of living an observant Jewish lifestyle. She is a member of the Jewish Council for District Attorney Melinda Katz. As well as a co-founder of Kosher Girls Choir group with Nargiz Malayeva.

Lilianna’s Motto: "Be the change you wish to see in the world."

Read  the entire magazine №259

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