Editor's column

Zhanna Cohen: «My memories of this holiday will last a lifetime»


Dear Friends, It's been just over a month since that memorable day when another Person of the Year 2020/2021 event happened in our community. Since then, we have gotten and continue to get a lot of feedback from the people who came to the event as well as from the winners themselves. And that flow increased as soon as Kaykov Media Studios posted a 2.5-hour video of the awards presentation and celebration available to the general public worldwide on Facebook. As writers and organizers of the project, we highly value your ideas and responses, and I am pleased to announce that we are all truly GREAT! This phrase is used frequently in both the oral and written feedback. There are many more, and I'm happy to share some of them with you:

"It was grand and very unexpected in its scope and high style."

"How wonderful that you can so beautifully honor the hard work of deserving members of the community." Thank you for taking on this project."

"It's hard to imagine how our women handle a level that even men can't handle."

"For me, it was like the Oscars in my town. Thank you for the beauty, the high intellectual level and the excellent organization."

"This was the first time I and my family attended your Person of the Year competition, and I wish I had attended the prior ones! It was magnificent, intellectual, extremely fascinating, and inventive!"

"Overall, very high level, nicely presented, awarded, and praised." You are the source of pride in our community. Thank you very much."

“The presenters were great, I thought.”

"I will remember this holiday for the rest of my life."

“Thanks to Kaykov Media for the fantastic video they produced that made us feel like we were there to experience this stunningly beautiful and insightful event."

"It was like an expensive, gorgeous wedding, but without the bride and groom," and many more comments that were equally as enjoyable and significant for us.

On behalf of the people who put together the event, I'd like to thank everyone for how much they liked what we did.

Shortly after this event, I travelled to Vienna, where I met a group of women in the synagogue for an evening tehillim lesson conducted by Rebetzin Nina Bracha Shamonova, at the invitation of Rina Kaikova. It gave me great pleasure to see ladies of many ages united in their spirituality. Some of them were already people I knew. They expressed an interest in learning everything there was to know about our women's organization and magazine, which I was happy to provide for them. And of course, I took the opportunity to once again congratulate Rina Kaikova on being named "Person of the Year 2020/2021" and to present her with our award and a Certificate of Appreciation from the Congress of Bukharian  Jews USA and Canada signed by President Boris Kandov. The entire group embraced this with enthusiasm. I'd like to mention that the Rebetzin left an especially positive impact on me; she was stunningly attractive, exceptionally bright, and has outstanding leadership qualities. Not without reason does she have a position of tremendous authority and affection not only among her own group, but also, as I learned later, among the entire community. I believe that a woman in such a leadership position is also capable of managing her own "Person of the Year" project in Vienna, and this was something that we discussed when we said our goodbyes. I promised to help them, if necessary. I certainly hope so.

And just recently, we received yet another piece of feedback, in which I noticed a crystal clear depiction of the fundamental idea behind this competition: "I appreciate you sharing the video. The occasion was celebrated at the pinnacle of success. It motivates people to perform additional acts of kindness. This is what it's all about: honoring true patriots in the community and getting others to follow their lead. This is the main goal of our hard but very important cross-community project.

Editor-in-chief Doctor Zoya Maksumova

(July 2022, "Ladies’ World" №253)

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